Duchal House
Duchal Estate, Kilmacolm
Renovation, Alterations and Extension
Refurbishment and Alterations to Duchal House and farm buildings were carried out for a private client in 2018.
Duchal House is a category A-listed, ‘Renaissance Style’ country house, situated within a designated, designed landscape. The gardens include a number of associated estate structures and farm buildings. The two-storey house with full basement and stable block with coachmen’s cottages all date from the mid-18th Century.
Listed building consents were obtained to carry out internal alterations and renovation work to the external fabric of the main house and also an extension and alterations to one of the two coachmen’s cottages.
External wall and roof repairs were carried out on a ‘like for like’ basis, while a program of works to renovate, refurbish and replace existing sash and case windows was also completed. Internally, thermal enhancement to the building envelope was carried out wherever possible and a full upgrade of existing building services was implemented. Hot water and heating to the main house and ancillary buildings were supplied from a new central bio-mass boiler located within an adjacent agricultural shed. One of the estate cottages was extended and remodelled to incorporate an adjacent garage/barn to form more spacious two bedroom, open plan living accommodation.